There is a personal message from Jet. Tributes and messages to Jet from fans all over the world. Jet's story is also featured.
Learn more about Jet Li and his life, send fan mail or post on the message boards. Downloads, merchandise, postcards and even personal messages from Jet.
Events and information for prospective, current, and former JETs.
Association for JETs in Toyama.
Official UK JET Programme website containing UK specific information and the UK application form.
A former ALT gives a detailed guide on his JET experiences, from application through to daily classes.
News, jobs, forums, members list.
With guide to jobs, events, and photos.
Chapter overview, events, links.
Definition, cause, symptoms and management of jet lag.
Includes information on events, news, jobs, and links.
Information about the chapter, gallery, and links.
Events, newsletters, and photos.
European portal for all 4th Dimension software and books.
4th Dimension developers. Plug-in and SQL expertise.
A website dedicated to building and decorating dimension. Explains where to find rift vendors and dimension goods.
Ralph Kimball discussing design solutions for handling changes in very large dimensions.
Gateway to the Paperless Medical Office. Registered Canadian 4th Dimension developer.
TeleMagic, a contact manager is the sole product and focus of Software Dimensions.
Sales of hardware, software, parts and accessories.