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Stonehenge Fountain

Stonehenge Fountain

  • Article discussing the history of this monument and casting doubts on the theory that it is aligned to the midsummer sunrise.
  • The plan to build a new road through the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, and the Stonehenge Master Plan. Includes newspaper cuttings, briefings, parliamentary debates, and a large collection of links.
  • An illustrated overview of this megalithic monument and its topographical and prehistoric context.
  • Dr. Christopher L C E Witcombe provides an illustrated account of the different phases in the construction of this complex.
  • Stonehenge has given rise to many replicas in the United States of America. Pics and information.
  • Aims to provide a reliable and unbiased Druid web site about Stonehenge. Includes information on the Druids, Stonehenge and its history, events, news and a blog.
  • The new plans for Stonehenge deserve support, writes Francis Pryor in British Archaeology.
  • Stonehenge information, pictures, legends, and lore including theories on construction, purposes, and age for both students and tourists. Includes photographs.
  • Features photos of the Stonehenge Summer Solstice, Glastonbury Festival 2004, Avebury, and Stonehenge Tunnel news. Sign the guestbook or submit a contact form.
  • Gordon Pipes presents a theory on the movement of heavy stones. How the ancient Britons could have transported the sarsen stones to Stonehenge without dragging them along.
  • From New Scientist, laser scanning has revealed ancient carvings on the pillars of Stonehenge that are invisible to the naked eye.
  • Explores the theories of Gerald Hawkins and Sir Fred Hoyle who claim that stones are an eclipse predictor.
  • Official visitor and conservation information. Includes a history with reconstructions, opening times and the site management plan.
  • Tabletop waterfalls for the home, office or desktop. Fountains made of stone, bamboo, copper and rock.
  • Oferta pizzy wypiekanej w tradycyjnym piecu chlebowym.
  • Photographs of the monument by visitor Ron Spohn, part of Cyberranch.
  • Enthusiast Christiaan provides an illustrated description of the monument, phase by phase, and discusses its possible uses. Includes reconstruction drawings and bibliography, Banners and pop-ups.
  • Grande 3-Tier Pond Garden Fountain

    Stonehenge Wall Water Fountain

    Stonehenge Wall Fountain

    The Stonehenge Wall Fountain is a handcrafted piece of art consisting of over 30 man hours to create start to finish.

    Stonehenge Fountain