Product List

Rotation Jet

Rotation Jet

  • It is suggested to use the internal space (internal channel) of a rotating blade as a centrifugal flow pump delivering pressurized air in a jet engine located on the blade tip.
  •  & # X005B; Cantu, CO] Only representative for the & apos; of the Italian web offset Edelmann Graphics and Sanjo, machines for applying holograms Dimuken and OpSec, inks Petrel, of racoglitrici Unigraphica systems and ink jet PTS.
  • Information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of rotator cuff injury.
  • Information about rotator cuff tears, injury, tendonitis, impingement syndrome and surgery.
  • There is a personal message from Jet. Tributes and messages to Jet from fans all over the world. Jet's story is also featured.
  • Learn more about Jet Li and his life, send fan mail or post on the message boards. Downloads, merchandise, postcards and even personal messages from Jet.
  • Events and information for prospective, current, and former JETs.
  • Manufactures rotationally modular molded polyethylene storage tanks and custom plastic products.
  • Offers hygienic plastic pallets, containers, bins and specialty products.
  • Offers custom rotational modular molding of plastics.
  • Organization of the rotational molding industry worldwide promoting and rotational molding. Site explores the benefits of rotomolding. Details the process, economics and advantages.
  • Flash VR tool enables object rotation using an image sequence.
  • Association for JETs in Toyama.
  • Information on causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.
  • Rotational modular molding of tanks and containers for a variety of industries, from polyethylene and polypropylene. Description of rotational molding process.
  • A banner rotator script to dynamically add, update and ratoate banner ads. File based utility PHP script with options to set banner size, time between rotation and ad management. [Freeware]
  • Information from the American Academy of Family Physicians.
  • Official UK JET Programme website containing UK specific information and the UK application form.
  • A former ALT gives a detailed guide on his JET experiences, from application through to daily classes.
  • The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory IERS Special Bureau for the Oceans collects, calculates, analyzes, archives, and distributes data relating to non-tidal changes in oceanic processes affecting the Earth's rotation, deformation, gravitational field, and geocenter.
  • water car nozzle

    Rotation Jet Nozzle

    Rotation Jet