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Mushroom Nozzle

Features of water type

Water film sprayed is even, low noise, mushroom shape, clear and transparent color.


 Water Art Fountain


Connections Specifications Materials
Working Pressure(kpa) Spray Discharges(m3/h) Spray Height(m) Coverage Diameter(m)
4″ 10-20 15 0.55 2.2 Steel .stainless copper
3″ 10-20 12 0.50 1.5
2″ 10-15 5 0.50 1.2
1/2″ 6-10 3 0.40 1.0
1″ 5-8 2 0.25 0.6
3/4″ 5-8 1.5 0.25 0.5
1/2″ 5-8 1 0.2 0.3
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