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Misting Fan

 Water Art Fountain

Classifications of misting fan

1. F Suspension Type Stainless Steel Fans
2. FC Stand Type Fans
3. FCA Wall Type Fans

Introduction of related products

1. F Suspension Type Stainless Steel Fans

Pictures of misting fan

 Water Art Fountain Water Art Fountain

Functions of misting fan

1. Cooling the factories
2. Disinfection and epidemic prevention
3. Reducing dust in industry
4. Reduce greenhouse humidification

Parameters of outdoor misting fan

Model (V/HZ) Voltage (HP) Motor (Pole) (Amp) Electricity current (m/s)wind speed (CMM) Wind volume (dB) Level of noise (rpm)Rotary speed
FPA2 220/60 single phase 1 4 2.0 13.8 --- 102 1680
110/60 single phase 1/2 6 4.5 8.2 171 90 1150
220/60single phase 1/2 6 1.5 9.8 174 90 1150
220/60single phase 1/2 6 1.3 9.6 --- 88 1150
220/50single phase 1/2 6 1.1 7.7 148 90 980
240/50single phase 1/2 6 1.5 7.7 148 86 982

Basic equipment of misting fan

1. 24 inch stainless steel fan
2. 15 inch 4 holes stainless steel containing precision ceramic nozzle spray ring
3. Three chains with 2m

2. FC Stand Type Fans

Pictures of misting fan

 Water Art Fountain


1. Factory cooling
2. Disinfection and epidemic prevention
3. Reducing dust for factories
4. Greenhouse humidification

Parameters of misting fan

Part No. Voltage (V/HZ) motor(HP) (Pole) Electric current (Amp) Wind speed (m/s) Wind volume (CMM) Level of noise(dB) Rotation (rpm)
FC20 110/60 single phase 20″ 6 1.85 7 76 78 1005
220/60 single phase 20″ 6 0.93 --- --- --- 1005
240/50 three phase 20″ 4 1.0 --- --- --- 1278

Basic equipment of misting fan

20 inch fan can be lifted to 1.8m. 15 inch 4 hole stainless steel spray nozzle ring containing fine ceramics

3. FCA Wall Type Fans


 Water Art Fountain

Applications of misting fan

1. cooling the factories
2. Epidemic disinfection
3. Reducing dust for factories
4. Greenhouse humidification

Parameters of misting fan

Part No. Voltage (V/HZ) Motor (HP) (Pole) Electric current (Amp) Wind speed (m/s) Wind volume (CMM) Level of noise (dB) Rotation (rpm)
FCA20 110/60 single phase 20″ 6 1.85 7 76 78 1005
220/60 single phase 20″ 6 0.93 --- --- --- 1005
240/50 three phases 20″ 4 1.0 --- --- --- 1278

Basic equipment:

1. 20 inch fans
2. 15 inch 4 holes Stainless steel ring containing precision ceramic nozzle spray
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