Basket in the air vase
digital flower show Combination of butterfly and seagull
Two rainbows flying to opposite side pagoda
basket with eight angles Fireworks in the sky
peacock opening its screen dragon flying
Water curtain for running fountain three dimensional digital Running fountain
flower baskets combination Digital butterfly flying
digital running fountain double layer basket
Throwing basket outward one dimension digital fountain
highest spray in the center Waterfall fountain
rockery fountain funny fountain
jumping fountain Fountain with fire spray
explosive fountain cold fog fountain
jumping fountain Jumping fountain
ater curtain fountain Super high fountain
Hundred Meter High Jets Fountain
Cold fog:
In cool space, cold fog is filled the air. he was with the wind and flowing, slowly spread. It is flowing with the wind and spreading slowly. You can feel relax and quiet under the tender breeze.
Clouds open screen
This fog emphasizes color and overall aesthetic beauty. Under the illumination of light, it looks like a magnificent picture.
The fog scene
Poetic fog looks like a thousand feet waterfall, flowing down toward the downstream plant. Designers melt the poetic fogs into the plant world and leave people a wide space to think.
Crystal bubble
Vertical jets
Cedar Fountain
Cedar fountain is showing its beautiful and impressive gesture.
water falling
Characters of water falling are like a long thin stream of the screen. In the LED colored lights, it likes a piece of beautiful song flowing into people’s soft heart. From the distance, it looks like a girl’s beautiful skirt.
Throwing baskets outside
With the broadcasting of music, water from our fountains form a flower that blooms in the water. Water drops are shining in the dark charm of the city.
Throwing for all directions
Along with the programs and music, the gurgling sound of water slowly become into a spectrum of jumping notes.
Oblique jetting
المنتجات ذات الصلة
نظام التحكم نافورة السيطرة على مجلس الوزراء معدات نافورة: نظم التوزيع نافورة مخصصة هي أكثر ملاءمة لخصائص تشغيل خصائص المياه. اعتمادا على كمية من مجلس الوزراء السيطرة، وتوزيع السلطة وتحميل الطبيعة، يمكن أن خزانات توزيع التيار الكهربائي الدائرة الكهربائية لكل مجلس الوزراء السيطرة....
الشاشة المياه آلة ليزر العارض يتكون جهاز ليزر رئيس الليزر، وإمدادات الطاقة ليزر، تحكم، تنقية المياه وغيرها من المكونات. أجهزة الكمبيوتر متعددة الوسائط، مكونات محرك تحكم عالية السرعة وكذلك ينطبق نظام التحكم في الألوان وسائط متعددة تتكون من البرنامج ليزر للرسوم المتحركة....